High School

Starting from a family of surveyors, I went to surveyor school back in 2003. After a couple of years and after ADSL connection was made available at home, my interest in computer science started to grow as I started developing simple visual basic programs to aid me with my homework.

I remember in particular one program I named PRO.MU.S.C.A, acronym for “design of reinforced concrete retaining walls” where I hurt my head with wrong negative results, having no idea about what overflow was!

Bachelor degree

As my interest was moved to computer science, I enrolled in the “Computer Science and Technologies” course in University of Milan. I very much liked my choice of not enrolling in “Computer Engineering” as my course was more aimed at the software side of things, with exams such as “Software development”, “Algorithms and data structures”, “Databases” and “Operating systems”

In these years I used various languages such as C, C++, Java, C#, SQL and Cobol (which I completely forgot)

During the graph theory course, I’ve researched Tartaglia’s Triangle properties and I’ve published a numeric series on the Online Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences, named A262260

I also attended the first edition of the “Online game design” exam, where I developed in a group a card-based mmo game using Esenthel engine in c++, named Chartivus.

Finally, I wrote a thesis about the development and optimization of a multiplatform game, developing a music and paiting game called Music Guess using Unity3d and C#, and I graduated with a grade of 97/110


Unity3d Developer

After graduating, I’ve started working for a small game software house where I developed mobile games with Unity3d.

The first project where I worked alone was an hangman game called Mr. Potino, developed for Android, iOS and Windows Phone. An interesting project as the hangman was actually a puppet that could be moved using its wires and it was fun to optimize the physic simulation on low-end mobile devices.

Other games developed all by myself include a math ruzzle-like game called Funb3rs, a minigames app for the italian comic Baz and Beefox Adventures, a bullying awareness graphic adventure sponsored by Lombardy region.

Mobile developer in FinconsGroup

In 2015 I moved to FinconsGroup as a mobile developer, initially working with Xamarin to develop media applications for Sky: with a team of 4 I developed the Sky ticket and Sky go apps for Sky DE and the NOW TV application for the Spanish market. We then developed a similar application for the Irish Television RTE for Android and iOS.

The last application made with Xamarin was MyMulticard, Eni’s application to manage fuel fidelity cards, developed using MVVM and the ReactiveUI library.

After abandoning Xamarin because of some problems due to the nature of media applications, I was appointed team leader and we tried the development of a B2B application for Publitalia with React Native. This experiments went very well, but we decided that cross-platform solutions were a no-go for our core media applications (but that’s where I fall in love with the Flux/Redux pattern).

Then I developed some android native applications on various platforms, such as a digital art app for the Swisscom Tv Box, a POC application running on the POYNT Smart Pos and we supported the maintenance of Swisscom’s native MyCloud application.

We then started a new internal R&D project searching for cross-platform development alternatives that merged the comfort of having a single business logic and the countless pros of developing a native application.

We found this benefits with kotlin multiplatform: in conjuntion with redux we were able to build a solid core library that we used seamlessly on Android, iOS and reactJS native projects

Master's degree

While working as Lead developer in FinconsGroup, in 2021 I’ve enrolled to the Master’s degree in “Computer science – Game Development” course at the University of Milan, in a part-time modality in which the course lasts for 4 years instead of 2.

After three years, I was able to complete my graduation early with a thesis titled “Quantum Computational approaches to Procedural Content Generation in Videogames” with 110/100 cum laude.

You’ll find more information about the projects I’ve developed in the blog posts!

Hobby development

Sometimes I develop some personal applications, both for fun and to test some new frameworks or libraries. One of the first app was Daily Kanji Mobile & Wear, an android native application that displays a different kanji every day both on phone and on smartwatch.

I developed USPAG (Ultra Safe Password Generator) to be used as a password manager that doesn’t remember any password, but I must admit that now that the password manager is fully integrated in google chrome I just use that one!

Last (aside from the numerous projects I’ve developed but never released) but not least, Flappy AI is a flappy bird like game that can play by itself with a genetic algorithm neural network that learns how to play gradually. This was made with Unity3d in C# without the usage of any AI library. All the code is written by me from scratch and you can follow the development in my (italian only) youtube channel.

"But do you want to know what Gol D. Roger, king of pirates, did when the treasure he sought was placed in front of his very eyes? He laughed."

Years Of Experience and research

I’m always looking for new technologies to improve both development and user experience, with a keen eye on performance optimization. Xamarin, React Native, flutter, Unity3d, native.. Name it, I’ve tried it!

Not only development

While development takes a big part of my life, my other hobbies includes videogames, ant keeping, Dungeons and Dragons, 3d printing, anime and manga. Those are the permanent one, I usually also have something around for some weeks.

What can you find in this website?

Since I have many interests, here you can find all sorts of blog posts related to them! Usually this is not the best way to handle a social page since the majority of the users are interested in just one topic. But this blog is also one of my hobbies and not to be taken seriously, so I’ll just write everything that comes to my mind and maybe someone will be found that shares all these interests 🙂